Speed Is Life. ACTION Is Life.

Ready to actionThere are two kinds of people:  The kind that instinctively take action when faced with a critical decision.  And those who have had their intuition and instinct for survival dumbed-down by politically-correct nonsense.  Many people have become the proverbial “deer in the headlights” when confronted with a critical decision.

Watch this video (below) of an armed robber on a Seattle bus.  While the last half of the video is the most pertinent, notice how the robber goes about his business in the back of the bus UNNOTICED… until he’s noticed towards the front of the bus.  The last man he confronts acts decisively and instinctively.  The bad guy surely did not expect it.

The same can be said about business decisions in our dental practices.  Many of us, myself included, suffer from a syndrome known as, “Ready… aim… aim… aim… aim… think about it…. aim some more.” Continue reading

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The Inevitable Death of the American Dental Association

I’ve had this discussion online (Dentaltown) a number of times.  I’ve also discussed it with local colleagues who remain active in the ADA.

the-prezA bit of history, first.  I joined the ADA while in dental school.  I remained a member since then, until several years ago.  I served on the board of the local affiliate dental association for many years and made it all the way to President.  At one time, I had dreams of taking my dental political career even higher… much higher.  I wanted to be “part of the solution.”  But, I ran into brick walls all the way.  The Association steadfastly believes that we must kowtow to the political authorities under the guise of “being at the table.”  I long-contended that we need to STAND UP.  I was often excoriated with a dismissive attitude.  I was a “hot-head.”  I was being “irrational.”  I was told, “If we don’t sit at the table with them, they will ‘do it’ without us.”   Do WHAT?  They can’t do shit WITHOUT us.  Without us, they have no dentistry.  We are holding the cards!  No one owns the talents of another.

If I recall correctly, it’s been about 10 years since I dropped my ADA membership.  And, while I keep looking for a reason to rejoin, the Association never fails to reaffirm my decision to leave.

I have always believed that our Association should stand up for DENTISTS first and foremost.  Yet, it seems a significant faction of our leaders at the national level are closely aligned with insurance companies and what is now called, “corporate dentistry.”  The local associations are Continue reading

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THIS is Condition White.

I’ve mentioned Situational Awareness in many of my posts about personal safety and security.  Most victims of violent crime should have seen it coming.  But, they were unaware of their surroundings or the behavior of the people around them.

Just a few days ago, I wrote about a street crime, the “knockout game,” that has had increased media coverage lately.  The surveillance videos are evidence of the victims being knocked out (literally), and in some cases KILLED, were oblivious to what was going on around them.  Condition White.

What does “Condition White” mean?   Marine Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Cooper came up with a Code or system of Situational Awareness.  Click here to learn more about Cooper’s Color-coded Situational Awareness.

Condition WhiteOn the news today, is the story of an airline passenger that simply “goes nuts.”  He’s threatening to blow up the aircraft as the police are pulling him out.  Watch the video below.  The police don’t yet have physical control of him.  He’s literally in the faces of the passengers in the row behind him.  He could cause significant injury to any one of them.  Yet, they SIT THERE like statues!!  Holy shit.  Their natural instincts for self-preservation are completely suppressed.  That’s “Condition White” even though the threat is inches from your nose!  Look at the guy in the red ball cap.  He’s doing NOTHING…. sitting there like a good sheeple.  Hell, he didn’t even put his hands up to shield his face.  He’s VERY lucky Continue reading

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Knock off the “Knockout Game!”

knockout-gameThese sub-human, mentally-defective pieces of shit should be brought up on attempted murder and murder (in those cases that end that way).  How’s that for an opening sentence?   Watch the news clip video below.  This “game” is actually not new.  But, for some reason it’s suddenly getting more play in the media.  This is truly disgusting.


The victims shouldn’t have been surprised.

But, there’s a lesson to be learned here.  I’ve often talked about situational awareness.  The teacher (victim) in the first surveillance video clip should have seen it coming.  There are SIX perps walking slowly (and without obvious purpose or direction) in the teacher’s general direction.  They are effectively lying in wait.  As they get closer, a few of them actually start to move over (directly towards the teacher).  There are red flags flying from the “git go.”  These guys are up to NO GOOD.

Worse… the “enlightened” teacher Continue reading

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Video Testimonials Are Marketing Gold

video-testimonialI need to do this more!  I was just chatting with a patient in hygiene today.  I asked her, “What’s new?”  She told me she had a new boyfriend, and she was in LOVE.  She then went on about how she used the photos we took in my office after her Six Month Smiles treatment in her online dating site profile.  She told me that she credited her smile with her dating success.  My hygienist then cut in, so she could get to work.

I came back to to the exam and then asked the patient if she would consider doing a video testimonial about what we had just talked about.  She immediately said, “YES!”  She was our last appointment before lunch.  The only video camera I had around was my phone.  So, without any real preparation or scripting, we just winged it.

I knew Anne would be perfect for this.  And, I’m so glad I asked.  What we ended up with is Marketing Gold.  This is the raw video.  I will tidy it up a bit and add some title clips and before and after images for my website.  Video after the jump… Continue reading

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Go Ahead. Make My Day!


I know what you’re thinking, punk.  You’re thinking “did he give me two carpules of anesthetic or only one?”  Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement.  But being this is a Kavo electric high speed, the most powerful high speed drill in the world and will blow your enamel clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question:  “Did I pick the right dentist?”  Well, did ya, punk?

Nope… I didn’t go all “Dirty-Harry” on some sociopathic perp.  My day just got made… as a dentist!

A few days ago, a 13 year old girl who was brought to my office after her mom searched the entire county for a dentist to re-do the cosmetic bonding on her teethContinue reading

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Showing up on Google’s 1st Page in Three Days


There are many SEOs (search engine optimizers) that will tell you it’s complicated and a long process to get listed favorably in Google searches.  It’s not necessarily true.  There ARE a lot of factors in play, including the amount of local competition you have for particular keywords.  It will NOT be easy to get a 1st page listing for “dentist Los Angeles,” for example.  However…..

I’ve written and spoken much about the “Long Tail.”  You can click on the link to learn more about that, as I’ve blogged about it before.

Many of us add new services to our practices.  They may be clinical services, amenities, technologies, or even new “customer service” features.  I recently decided to implement an in-house dental plan for my patients with Quality Dental Plan (QDP).  I will be blogging about that decision, progress, and experience in the future.  Stay tuned!

So easy, a cave-dentist could do it.

One of the great things about website marketing is that it’s so easy to add new content.  And, that helps to distinguish your practice from the others… IF you’re willing to put in the effort at creating new and unique content.  Over the years, I’ve explained how using canned content and duplicate content (often provided by the website developer) can work against you.  Write your own!  It’s REALLY important!  And, it WORKS.  Google likes it.  And, so do the prospective patients visiting your website.  Content is king, baby!

Here’s the “take home” message…   Continue reading

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Credibility Is Everything

fillings-As dentists, we are in a rather unique business.  Despite massive and coordinated (and to some degree, successful) efforts to commoditize dentistry, it’s undeniable that we provide one of the most personal services for patients.  We are literally “in their faces.”  We work on a very intimate and sensitive part of the body.  And, they’re awake for all of it.

Credibility and trust are a big part of what we “sell.”  Patients aren’t buying tertiary occlusal anatomy with tripodization of the contacts.  They aren’t buying sealed crown margins.  They’re buying YOU.

This morning, a nice woman walked in.  She wanted to set up an appointment for her 13 year old daughter.  I happened to walk up to the front desk, and my office manager introduced us.  Her daughter had braces, which have been removed.  She’s had some cosmetic bonding, but she’s not happy with it.  She cries every day.  Mom (who used to work for a local orthodontist) went online to research a new dentist.

They live in a nearby “foo-foo” city that is FULL of “cosmetic dentists.”  I’m about 10 miles north.

She told us she spent five hours online last night.  If I may be so blunt and unrefined… There is a CRAPLOAD of dentists much closer to where she lives.  I asked her why she picked us out of all the others. Continue reading

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Hiring Social Media Impostors?

It's a deal?This short post is a reply I wrote on a Dentaltown thread about Social Media.

I’ve often and long said that hiring someone to do your social media postings is like sending a stranger to a party as your “representative” and expecting the party host to believe you were there.

You cannot outsource your social “presence.”  I dare say that if you’re paying someone to “be you,” you’re wasting 100% of that money.

With the term “Social Media,” the need for YOUR actual participation SHOULD be self-evident.

Mind you…. there’s the other debatable issue of whether social media is a great investment for a dental practice.  The jury is still out, but for the most part, it doesn’t look so promising to me.

Social media takes time and is emotionally intensive.  The key to social media is to be yourself and to be AVAILABLE.

Is it worth the effort?  Are patients going to interact with their dentists on social media like Facebook or Google+?  Really?  Do they?  Do yours?

Your mileage may vary.

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I Can See for Miles and Milestones

50th birthdayAs I cross the half-century threshold, I’m conflicted in a number of ways.

On the one hand, I feel like I’ve accomplished many things.  On the other, I have SO much yet to accomplish.  According to the calendar, I’m on the downhill side.  Yet, I feel like I’m just getting started.

Looking back, I’ve made my share of mistakes.  And, I’ve had some good adventures.

I have a wonderful and beautiful wife and two amazing children.  And, in light of the reminders of my failures, my family is proof otherwise.  I must have done something right.

I Can’t Drive…  Fifty-Live

Honestly, I don’t feel so great about turning 50.  I don’t like it at all.  It’s the first milestone that has “bothered” me.  It seems like this birthday is mocking me and reminding me of what I haven’t accomplished.  In terms of the material goals I had set for myself as a youngster, I’m arguably a failure.  But, I am grateful for what I have, what I’ve seen, where I’ve been, what I’ve learned, and for so many friends along the way.

There is something else I learned… or figured out… just this week.  My office team had actually saved their own money, contributing to a special fund for the past several months… to celebrate my birthday.  They wanted to take me out for a special meal.  They told me they were doing this in advance.  How cool is my team?   I really didn’t want to celebrate my 50th birthday.  I wanted to it come and go while I did my best to deny it.  I even told them they should just keep their money, as I’d rather not celebrate.  But, I could see that they would be VERY disappointed if they couldn’t go through with their plans.  They were really excited about it.  We had a fantastic lunch, and I could tell they really enjoyed it.  They were so proud to do it.

It turns out the celebrations aren’t really about me.  They are for my friends and family.  THEY want to celebrate my birthday.  It’s not about me.  And, I like that.  I prefer that.  Please know this post isn’t fishing for birthday wishes.  It really isn’t.  I find writing to be therapeutic.  This is more of an epiphany and realization that birthdays, especially the milestone birthdays, aren’t about the “birthday boy.”  They’re really about the people around him.

Today, I started by taking my son to the hockey rink.  After that, I had a nice lunch with family.  Now, it’s just a quiet day at home with the family.  Perfect!

I’ve been a “late bloomer” throughout my life.  At 50, I AM just getting started!

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