Monthly Archives: March 2012

Google Analytics – in Real Time!

Google Analytics is a free service that can give you a plethora of data on how folks are finding and using your website.  I highly recommend you have it installed on your website.  This is done by embedding some tracking … Continue reading

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Lessons From Martin – Zimmerman Case

I’ve remained relatively quiet on the Zimmerman – Martin case, and that may surprise those who know I am a strong advocate for the 2nd Amendment and refusing to be a victim of crime. When I first heard about this … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Editorial, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments

Google Reviews – I’ve Changed My Mind

Last December I wrote that online reviews can be a double-edged sword.  That article was primarily directed at independent review sites other than Google’s own reviews system.  I remain skeptical of the value of third party review sites, especially those … Continue reading

Posted in Marketing, Social Media, Websites | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

I’ll Go to a Dentist I Can Tell What to Do! (x-rays again)

Ugh!  It doesn’t happen much, but it’s one thing I encounter in my practice of dentistry that is truly maddening.   It’s maddening because my personality is one that relies heavily on logic and facts. We all get patients who are … Continue reading

Posted in Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 70 Comments

Distracted Walking (by cell phone) as Dangerous as Driving!

This morning, there was a segment on NBC’s “Today Show” about violent cell phone robberies.  The crux of the “investigative report” was that cell phone companies refuse to “blacklist” stolen cell phones.  That means that a cell phone that has … Continue reading

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How Can (the other) Dentists Charge So Much Less?

Yesterday, I saw a patient I’ve been seeing for only a couple of months.  He has fairly extensive restorative needs, and we’re “chipping away” at them.  He’s lost some teeth.  Others needed root canal therapy.  Multiple crowns are in progress … Continue reading

Posted in Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged | 3 Comments

This Time It’s Personal – Your website, that is.

Make it personal!  Your website, that is.  I’ve long preached that dentists MUST be involved in the content creation for their website.  But, that DOESN’T mean you have to create your own website.  I get that objection a lot from … Continue reading

Posted in Editor's Favorites, Marketing, Websites, What Happened Today | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

You Never Know What They’ll Search For on Google

It’s funny how little seemingly insignificant observations inspire me to write.  And, then I can’t stop myself.  I have to do it NOW.  🙂 Let’s get ana-lytical… ‘lytical.. I regularly monitor traffic on my websites using Google Analytics.   Analytics, which … Continue reading

Posted in Marketing, Websites, What Happened Today | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Groupon Is Fee-splitting. The ADA chimes in.

Back in January, I wrote an article on the blog about Groupon.  Among the many issues I discussed was the rather thorny issue of fee-splitting.  There are state and federal laws against fee-splitting in healthcare. I just became aware of … Continue reading

Posted in Marketing | 10 Comments

New Blog Feature: Cool Archive Widget!

Collapsible Archives! Just a quick admin update for The Dental Warrior blog.  Now that I’m past 106 posts, I wanted an easier way to access and view the archives. The “archive” section on the right (under the “10 Most Popular … Continue reading

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