Category Archives: Case Presentation

Case Presentation: Implant Impression for Contoured Soft Tissues

This is a continuation of this case – A single central incisor implant. The patient returned for the final impression after two months of healing.  Since the provisional maintained the soft tissue profile, there was a lot of space around … Continue reading

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Case Presentation: Immediate implant provisional #9.

Learn how to make exceptionally esthetic provisionals on immediate implants to restore a single anterior tooth. Continue reading

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They say veneers don’t work!

Veneers don’t last! Over the years, I’ve encountered colleagues that claim veneers are doomed to fail…. Or, that they are less predictable than crowns.  “Veneers pop off.”  “Veneers break,” they say.   Baloney! I’ve been fortunate to have practiced for … Continue reading

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Which came first? Tongue thrust? Or the spaces?

Which came first? Spaces? Or tongue thrust? Continue reading

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Are we too quick to extract and implant?

Remember the days when “herodontics” was all the rage?  Hmmmm… maybe you don’t.  Now, if there’s even a question about a tooth’s restorability, it’s reflexively diagnosed as acute titanium deficiency syndrome.  When in doubt, take it out (and replace it … Continue reading

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I’m still a dentist! Failed implant crown.

Yes.  I’m still a dentist.  I just need patients to come back! Last week, a patient was referred to me by a periodontist.  Her implant crown had come off, and she was referred to the periodontist by her dentist up … Continue reading

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A “Simple” (but not easy!) Cosmetic Bonding Case

Taking a brief break from the Coronavirus hysteria (I’m not done!) to post some dentistry.  A friend just boldly posted on Facebook:  “Stay home. Close your business. Don’t go out. Live in fear….  No thanks!” Me, neither!  I did this … Continue reading

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The Power of Photography (and a quick mock-up)

A quick blog post here.  A recently new patient has had some basic restorative treatment.  I asked him about his front chipped teeth.  The initial chips were caused by an accident when he was a kid.  He never had them … Continue reading

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Gold is still the Gold Standard!

Today, I had a patient scheduled for a crown on #3.  The tooth had a couple of deep occlusal amalgams with some darkly stained cracks on the marginal ridges.  Oh sure… we can debate, “to crown or not to crown” … Continue reading

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All My Training and 31 Years of Experience Have Led to This!

About a month ago, we had a close call with Hurricane Dorian, which was a “Cat 5” and got within 100 miles of us.  In the process of putting up my shutters, I smashed the tip of the ring finger … Continue reading

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