Category Archives: Personal Security & Safety

Two Dentists Murdered in Texas at Their Office

It’s been way too long since I’ve written.  I’ve been distracted by a number of concerns.  But, I felt compelled to write about this sooner rather than later.  No photos for this article.  Just a quick and dirty composition of … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Personal Security & Safety | 3 Comments

Pay Attention to Things That Just Don’t Seem Right and Save Your Own Life

I haven’t written about this subject in a while.  I’m sure I’ll get some unsubscribe notifications.  I don’t care.  This is important shit. There was a murder-suicide only a few miles from my home at a grocery store two days … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , | 20 Comments

It’s a Plandemic! Do you know where your ammo is?

Over the last several months, I’ve received numerous messages from friends who are desperate for a defensive firearm or ammunition.  If you didn’t already know, the run on guns and ammo has created a major shortage.  My friends are understandably … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Editorial, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Why I Like Guns

Why do I like guns? They are simple mechanical devices and among the few durable items that can be as functional 100 years later as the day they were made. They are powerful.  It’s an explosion you can hold in your … Continue reading

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OnTarget Shot Group Calculator Software – a shooter’s review

I thought I’d do a quick review of a software program I’ve been using to analyze my precision rifle target groups.  It’s called “OnTarget.”  If you want to skip the “intro” or “review” of what shot group size means and … Continue reading

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A Defensive Gun Use That Hit “Close to Home”

On Facebook, I created a page with a long-running series of posts that I call, “From the Files of It Never Happens.”  It was inspired by a quote from Shannon Watts, founder of “Moms Demand Action.”  (I can’t help giggling … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Banning AR-15s Means Banning All Rifles

It’s been about 2 weeks since the heinous mass murder at the school in Parkland, Florida.  It’s about an hour away from where I live and only a few minutes from where my son played hockey 2 years ago. I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Editor's Favorites, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , | 32 Comments

Lightning Strikes – Can we prevent it?

Las Vegas…. Sigh. I’ve been a busy guy over on Facebook, as I cannot help being drawn into discussions about firearms, most recently stemming from the incident in Las Vegas.  As many of my readers and friends know, I am … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Editorial, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Skinner Sights – A Shooting Gear Review

A few years ago, my wife got me a beautiful rifle for Christmas, a lever-action .22LR-caliber Browning BL-22 Grade II with Maple stocks.  I love it.  It’s the one “pretty” gun in my modest collection. Getting old sucks! The Browning … Continue reading

Posted in Guns & Knives | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Second Amendment Firearms Database – Software Review

A few years ago, I reviewed a program designed to help gun owners document and archive important information about their firearms, related accessories, and ammunition.  While I liked the old program I was using, the developer has apparently abandoned the … Continue reading

Posted in Guns & Knives | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments