Yearly Archives: 2013

Speed Is Life. ACTION Is Life.

There are two kinds of people:  The kind that instinctively take action when faced with a critical decision.  And those who have had their intuition and instinct for survival dumbed-down by politically-correct nonsense.  Many people have become the proverbial “deer … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, Personal Security & Safety, Practice Management | 2 Comments

The Inevitable Death of the American Dental Association

I’ve had this discussion online (Dentaltown) a number of times.  I’ve also discussed it with local colleagues who remain active in the ADA. A bit of history, first.  I joined the ADA while in dental school.  I remained a member … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial | Tagged , , , | 44 Comments

THIS is Condition White.

I’ve mentioned Situational Awareness in many of my posts about personal safety and security.  Most victims of violent crime should have seen it coming.  But, they were unaware of their surroundings or the behavior of the people around them. Just … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Security & Safety | 6 Comments

Knock off the “Knockout Game!”

These sub-human, mentally-defective pieces of shit should be brought up on attempted murder and murder (in those cases that end that way).  How’s that for an opening sentence?   Watch the news clip video below.  This “game” is actually not new.  … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Video Testimonials Are Marketing Gold

I need to do this more!  I was just chatting with a patient in hygiene today.  I asked her, “What’s new?”  She told me she had a new boyfriend, and she was in LOVE.  She then went on about how … Continue reading

Posted in Marketing, What Happened Today | 4 Comments

Go Ahead. Make My Day!

I know what you’re thinking, punk.  You’re thinking “did he give me two carpules of anesthetic or only one?”  Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement.  But being this is a Kavo electric high … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Websites, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 11 Comments

Showing up on Google’s 1st Page in Three Days

There are many SEOs (search engine optimizers) that will tell you it’s complicated and a long process to get listed favorably in Google searches.  It’s not necessarily true.  There ARE a lot of factors in play, including the amount of … Continue reading

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Credibility Is Everything

As dentists, we are in a rather unique business.  Despite massive and coordinated (and to some degree, successful) efforts to commoditize dentistry, it’s undeniable that we provide one of the most personal services for patients.  We are literally “in their … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Websites, What Happened Today | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Hiring Social Media Impostors?

This short post is a reply I wrote on a Dentaltown thread about Social Media. I’ve often and long said that hiring someone to do your social media postings is like sending a stranger to a party as your “representative” … Continue reading

Posted in Social Media | Tagged , | 6 Comments

I Can See for Miles and Milestones

As I cross the half-century threshold, I’m conflicted in a number of ways. On the one hand, I feel like I’ve accomplished many things.  On the other, I have SO much yet to accomplish.  According to the calendar, I’m on … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, What Happened Today | 1 Comment