Category Archives: Clinical Technique

Case Presentation: Implant Impression for Contoured Soft Tissues

This is a continuation of this case – A single central incisor implant. The patient returned for the final impression after two months of healing.  Since the provisional maintained the soft tissue profile, there was a lot of space around … Continue reading

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How to Document Screw Access Position Under Cemented Implant Crowns.

While screw-retained implant crowns are favored today, certain clinical situations dictate cemented crowns on custom abutments.  I won’t be going into the different scenarios that favor screw-retained over cemented.  Nor will this article cover the advantages and disadvantages of each … Continue reading

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Case Presentation: Immediate implant provisional #9.

Learn how to make exceptionally esthetic provisionals on immediate implants to restore a single anterior tooth. Continue reading

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Are we too quick to extract and implant?

Remember the days when “herodontics” was all the rage?  Hmmmm… maybe you don’t.  Now, if there’s even a question about a tooth’s restorability, it’s reflexively diagnosed as acute titanium deficiency syndrome.  When in doubt, take it out (and replace it … Continue reading

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A “Simple” (but not easy!) Cosmetic Bonding Case

Taking a brief break from the Coronavirus hysteria (I’m not done!) to post some dentistry.  A friend just boldly posted on Facebook:  “Stay home. Close your business. Don’t go out. Live in fear….  No thanks!” Me, neither!  I did this … Continue reading

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The Power of Photography (and a quick mock-up)

A quick blog post here.  A recently new patient has had some basic restorative treatment.  I asked him about his front chipped teeth.  The initial chips were caused by an accident when he was a kid.  He never had them … Continue reading

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How to Add a Virtual Black Contraster to Your Intraoral Photos

If you’ve been doing intraoral photography for cosmetic cases, you’re likely familiar with the black contraster.  If you’ve only read articles about cosmetic dentistry, you’ve likely seen the photos of a restored arch with a black background to show off … Continue reading

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Trim Your Own Dies???

Who does THAT?  Why would you? I started my own practice renting space in an existing dental office (shared space).  The other dentist took a lot of pride in his work, and deservedly so.  One of the many things he … Continue reading

Posted in Dental Product Reviews, Technology, Tips & Tricks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Golden Proportion Template for Treatment Planning and Case Presentation

There are a number of ways you can use Golden Proportion to plan or present an anterior cosmetic case: You could just print a photo of a retracted view of the anterior teeth and draw on it directly with a … Continue reading

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Another Immediate Implant Provisional Case

It’s funny how things come in cycles / clusters. Immediate implant provisionals seem to be my “thing,” lately. I enjoy the challenge, and each case is a bit different.  So, it seems I’m inventing new techniques as I go with … Continue reading

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