Tag Archives: dental implants

Case Presentation: Implant Impression for Contoured Soft Tissues

This is a continuation of this case – A single central incisor implant. The patient returned for the final impression after two months of healing.  Since the provisional maintained the soft tissue profile, there was a lot of space around … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Clinical Technique | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

How to Document Screw Access Position Under Cemented Implant Crowns.

While screw-retained implant crowns are favored today, certain clinical situations dictate cemented crowns on custom abutments.  I won’t be going into the different scenarios that favor screw-retained over cemented.  Nor will this article cover the advantages and disadvantages of each … Continue reading

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I’m still a dentist! Failed implant crown.

Yes.  I’m still a dentist.  I just need patients to come back! Last week, a patient was referred to me by a periodontist.  Her implant crown had come off, and she was referred to the periodontist by her dentist up … Continue reading

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Another Immediate Implant Provisional Case

It’s funny how things come in cycles / clusters. Immediate implant provisionals seem to be my “thing,” lately. I enjoy the challenge, and each case is a bit different.  So, it seems I’m inventing new techniques as I go with … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Clinical Technique | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Implant Provisional – using the original tooth

Several months ago (April 2011), a long-time patient had tooth #8 blow up.   The patient is a 80 y.o. male.  It was a perio-endo lesion (with root resorption evident), and we decided extraction and replacement with an implant would be … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Editor's Favorites, Tips & Tricks, What Happened Today | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments