Are we too quick to extract and implant?

Remember the days when “herodontics” was all the rage?  Hmmmm… maybe you don’t.  Now, if there’s even a question about a tooth’s restorability, it’s reflexively diagnosed as acute titanium deficiency syndrome.  When in doubt, take it out (and replace it with an implant). 

Let’s face it.  It’s often much easier, and it’s always more profitable.  Oh, sure… you’ll argue that it’s more “predictable.”  And, you may be right.  Or not. 

I’m still willing to try to restore teeth that may be more likely dismissed by today’s “standards.”  My guiding principle is still, “What would I do if this was my mom?” 

Such a case came through my office recently.  It wasn’t MY mom, but she’s somebody’s mom.  Her nephew, a periodontist up north, referred her to me.  The 76 y.o. female’s chief complaint was a loose crown (#6).  Tooth #6 had an existing crown and post / core. 

It was readily apparent that the post / core was loose and still attached to the crown.  I tried to gently remove it.  No go.  I used the “crown tapper,” again gently.  No go.  I didn’t want to risk fracturing the root (if it wasn’t already). 

I sat the patient up, and we had a discussion.  She was already familiar with implants, as she had several.  We discussed extracting the tooth vs trying to save it.  I explained that I could remove the crown by cutting it off and then seeing what we had to work with afterwards.  I may or may not be able to restore the tooth. Continue reading

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Memorial Day Thoughts

USS Independence CV-62. I was aboard 1989 – 1991.

On this Memorial Day, I am reminded of my four shipmates who died during the time I served aboard the USS Independence. I was present when one of them took his last breath. They were fulfilling their oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They made the ultimate sacrifice. It was their choice to serve, it wasn’t their choice to die. But, they knew it was a possibility.

On this particular Memorial Day, with the current infringements on our Constitutional Rights, I am compelled to be ever more vigilant (and vocal in my advocacy for our Freedom) in light of why those men died. I owe it to them.

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I’m still a dentist! Failed implant crown.

Yes.  I’m still a dentist.  I just need patients to come back!

Last week, a patient was referred to me by a periodontist.  Her implant crown had come off, and she was referred to the periodontist by her dentist up north.  By the patient’s recollection, the implant crown was placed about 1-1/2 years ago.

Clinically, it looked like what you see below.  Continue reading

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Why I Refuse to Comply

Many times, I’ve been asked why I refuse to comply with the new rules or indulge the “new ABnormal.”  I’ve been called every name “in the book.”  Someone told me she hopes I get sick and “a tube is jammed down my sorry throat.”  Others have wished me dead.

“In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – often attributed to George Orwell, but never confirmed.

Transcript for the video below the jump:

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Should We Celebrate the “Re-Opening?”

Why are we celebrating the “re-opening” of business or conditional restoration of our Rights?  Written script below the video and the break…

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Dentists are the Paragons of Infection Control!

A Chicago area restaurant donated meals for the staff at Glenbrook Hospital.  This is apparently the “COVID Team.”  They wanted to express their thanks and took this photo in the break room, where they eat.  This was posted on the restaurant’s Facebook page.  It has since been taken down.

The original photo was annotated, as you see below, to point out the massive violations of protocol.  PPE should not be worn into the break room, and it certainly shouldn’t be worn while eating. 

But, DENTISTS got shut down. 

Glenbrook Hospital Chicago PPE violations in lunch room!

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Super-Secret Plan for Successful Re-Opening of Dental Offices

You heard it here first!  I share the secret to successful post-COVID re-opening!  Pat attention.  This is gold! 

Text below the break: Continue reading

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Proof that the shutdowns are not about safety or public health.

A Texas State Dental Board meeting transcript was recently revealed, and it’s not good.  The shutdown of dental offices has NOTHING to do with patient welfare.  It’s about CONTROL.

Here’s a link to the article with the transcript:

Video text below the break: Continue reading

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Enough with the contrived “hero” worship!

Today’s rant about the virtue-signaling about “healthcare and essential heroes.”

UPDATE:  A friend saw my video and sent me this… very funny (and true, except the “veteran’s” reaction).

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My First Vlog! NY Cuomo insults Americans protesting to go back to work. “Get an essential job.”

I previously wrote about the state-sponsored bigotry dividing Americans into “essential” and “non-essential.” 

Today I read an article featuring an exchange between New York’s Governor Cuomo and a local CBS affiliate reporter.  Governor Cuomo, referring to the people protesting to re-open New York, said they should just get an “essential” job, if they want to work.  Yep… he said that.

Editing to add:  I just found this video of the treasonous motherfucker (Cuomo) saying it and some editorial commentary (Fox News) afterwards.  If I embed the video, it autoplays, and I hate that.  Go here:

Text of my video below the break: Continue reading

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