Tag Archives: x-ray refusal

I’ll Go to a Dentist I Can Tell What to Do! (x-rays again)

Ugh!  It doesn’t happen much, but it’s one thing I encounter in my practice of dentistry that is truly maddening.   It’s maddening because my personality is one that relies heavily on logic and facts. We all get patients who are … Continue reading

Posted in Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 70 Comments

You Can’t Fix Stupid (patients)

This is my ONE-HUNDREDTH blog post! Now on to your regularly scheduled program… I’m a blunt guy.  You’ll never be left wondering if what I say is congruent with what I think.  Surely some will think I’m being politically incorrect … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 15 Comments

“Mrs. Smith… This is why we take x-rays.”

“X-rays are like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re going to get.” X-rays are a perennial battle we wage with a certain segment of our patients.  Can I get an “amen?” It’s really quite odd when you … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments