I first posted this on Facebook. I’ve added to it a bit here. And, I’ve since taken a break from Facebook. It’s unfortunate that so many mistake their own cognitive dissonance, precipitated by thoughtful posts that contradict their prejudices, for “offense.” It’s unfortunate that, since they lack the ability to articulate a cogent counter-argument, they strike out by “reporting” me for “offending” them. I’ve lost a lot of friends over this.
I’m posting and venting about this, because I’m pissed that my own country (and even my own colleagues) are trying VERY HARD to put me out of business. I also realize that some well-intentioned folks are “worried” about me, because of how I express myself. Rather strongly, you might say! 😊 I dare suggest that MANY feel exactly as I do. I just happen to have the balls to say it and the ability to articulate it well. It’s my super-power! 😉 I’m OK. But, I don’t care who I “offend” with this screed.
Our country is at war.
This is war. I am at war. I really do feel that way. Not a “shooting war,” mind you. Not yet. This isn’t the Persian Gulf in 1990. But, honestly… it feels worse. This is much worse. I wasn’t worried back then. I knew what I signed up for. I had an entire Navy battle group around me. And, I knew that we would kick ass if and when we had to.
Today, I’m at war with the bombardment of negativity about this fucking virus. It DOMINATES our lives now. Every waking moment of every single day, with no end in sight. No glimmer of hope.
I’m at war with the notion that we should ALL shut down, virtually indefinitely… the consequences of which will be FAR worse than the damage caused by the virus. Well… not actually ALL of us. The “chosen ones” aka “essential” are exempt. I’ll touch on that a bit more later.
I’m at war with my own profession. I have “colleagues” who are publicly jockeying to REPORT any other dentist who dares to see patients in need. I wish I was kidding. It’s rampant!
I’m at war with Continue reading