Monthly Archives: June 2011

“Work, work, work… Hello Boys…”

OK… now back to our regularly programmed dental talk… Work, work, work… Any fans of “Blazing Saddles” by Mel Brooks?  It’s probably one of the most quotable movies ever made.  It’s also likely the most politically-incorrect movie.  But, I enjoy … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 3 Comments

“Mrs. Smith… This is why we take x-rays.”

“X-rays are like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re going to get.” X-rays are a perennial battle we wage with a certain segment of our patients.  Can I get an “amen?” It’s really quite odd when you … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

Dentistry Is Never “Simple.”

Moments ago I was reminded of this seemingly trivial matter in a thread on  I’ve brought it up over the years here and there on Dentaltown.  So, I thought I would write up a quick post about it on … Continue reading

Posted in Editor's Favorites, Practice Management | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

Don’t Throw Your Colleagues Under the Bus!

Yesterday I spent close to an hour with a new patient consultation.  She was referred to me by my family’s pediatrician.  This patient is in the midst of extensive dental treatment by another dentist.  She is very nervous about dental … Continue reading

Posted in Case Presentation, Practice Management, What Happened Today | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Dentaltown Pilgrimage to 3M ESPE!

This weekend, I was among a special group of seven dentists from that was invited up to St. Paul, Minnesota for a meeting with the folks at 3M  ESPE (dental division).  3M ESPE was interested in interfacing with real … Continue reading

Posted in Dental Product Reviews, What Happened Today | 7 Comments

Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

I’m watching the news on TV about an Indiana college student that has gone missing.  A 20 year old woman was last seen walking to her apartment at 4:30 am.  FOUR-THIRTY A.M.!  By herself!  Lauren Spierer was “out with friends” … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

All Dentists: Be Careful Out There!

We make our living with our hands and our eyes.   And, in most practices, we’re the only real “producer.”  If we are benched by an injury, the practice will be in trouble in short order. Of course, I’m hardly one … Continue reading

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