15 responses

  1. Robert Gioia
    June 21, 2011

    VERY NICE – but xrays cause cancer LOL!!


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 21, 2011

      Yeah… Dr. Oz says so! 😉


    • D Archer
      January 15, 2018

      Things that give more radiation than digital x-rays.!
      Talking on a cell phone gives off more radiation and causes cancer. (Don’t do it)
      Living in a brick house you get more radiation than living in one that has shingles. (move if you LIVE in a brick house)
      You get more radiation Sleeping next to someone at night vs sleeping along (sleep alone always)


  2. Jenn Robertson
    June 21, 2011

    Re-tweeting now. Awe inspiring reason to be committed to a standard of care that protects your patients. Very nice …


  3. Phillip Schlueter
    June 21, 2011

    I do what my dentist tells me to do. 1, he’s a personal friend: 2, he’s a skilled craftsman!! I think a rare combination. And he is an awesome baritone to boot and could have easily been a famous oratorio singer!


  4. Alvaro Fernandez-Carol DDS
    June 22, 2011

    Amazing! People are funny about x-rays sometimes. I don’t ask them to sign a refusal (should I?), I’ll ask to check the problem area only, usually not a big deal. If it is a big deal I start to consider them PITA pts. and treat minimally. ‘Educating ‘ them till I’m blue in the face is pointless.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 22, 2011

      Hi Alvaro,

      I’m not an attorney. But, a patient cannot sign away his or her rights. Patients cannot consent to negligence. So, IMO such a refusal form will be worthless if you end up in court. Again… not an attorney… ask your own malpractice company what they think.

      But, to me it goes deeper than that. Refusal of basic diagnostics such as x-rays indicates a lack of trust. And, a patient who doesn’t even trust me about x-rays is not a patient I want to treat at all. It’s just not worth it to me. It’s not worth the risk. And, it’s definitely not worth the very small gain.

      If a patient absolutely refuses x-rays, then we simply will have to part ways.


      • D Archer
        January 15, 2018

        An x-ray refusal is worthless. They can sign it but it won’t hold up in court. Next time a patient refuses x-rays and really needs them…go into the office greet them and put on a blind fold to exam their mouth. They will think you are crazy-and you are if you are doing a complete exam without x-rays. You are doing a dis-service to that patient. Let them go somewhere else, let the other doctor put their license on the line.


  5. The Dental Warrior
    August 2, 2011

    Follow-up to this case. Incisional biopsy was done by oral surgeon. Diagnosis: Keratocyst. Due to the extensive size of the lesion, she was referred to a university for surgical treatment.


  6. Dr James Spence
    February 24, 2013

    Very good piece on the cyst and need for X-rays.
    We are rebuilding our v old website and would like to use your piece and acknowledge where it came from. May we do that please?

    Many thanks

    ps What was the diagnosis and outcome?


    • The Dental Warrior
      February 24, 2013

      Thanks for comments and your interest, James. For a number of reasons, I cannot allow use of my images / photos.

      You might consider a source for stock photos like this: Dental X-ray Images for sale. I have no financial interest in this. Just trying to help. 🙂

      The diagnosis was keratocyst. She was referred to a university for treatment due to the extent of the lesion. I have not seen her since.


  7. Kate
    August 23, 2013

    I just wanted to let you know that I think about this case every time I order a pano as part of a periodic comp exam for a patient of record.

    “Sometimes it good just to check the whole jaw out” “There are things that we can see with this film that are hard to see any other way”

    Good catch.


    • The Dental Warrior
      August 24, 2013

      Thanks for your comments, Kate!


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