We make our living with our hands and our eyes. And, in most practices, we’re the only real “producer.” If we are benched by an injury, the practice will be in trouble in short order.
Of course, I’m hardly one to suggest you eliminate all risks and live in a bubble. Heck, I have raced cars. But, we should be mindful of avoiding risks that can put us out of commission on a temporary or permanent basis.
Since February, I’ve been covering for the dentist next door to me. He was riding his bicycle and got hit from behind by a car. A fractured scapula and very painful shoulder has kept him from practicing for nearly four months now. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet, which shattered upon impacting the pavement. His injuries could have been much worse. He’s a long time, good friend. And, I’m very glad to be able to help in any way I can. And, the proximity of our offices – next door in the same building – makes it easy for me to flit back and forth seeing both of our patients.
You hear about dentists that go up on the roofs of their homes to do some kind of repair… and then they fall off the roof. Many men have a hard time hiring a pro when they feel they can do it themselves. I’ve heard an adage, “Dentists don’t belong on the roof.”
So, again… pursue your passions outside the office. But, be as safe as you can be. Wear protective gear. Stay off the roof! If you’re hammering a nail, weed-eating, mowing the lawn, or using a power drill… wear eye protection. Going ice skating? Wear a helmet! Filleting a fish? Wear kevlar gloves. Bustin’ caps at the range? Protect eyes and ears.
Have fun. But, be prudent.
Tomorrow, I’m headed to Minneapolis for a pow-wow with the brainiacs at 3M. I’m one of six dentists invited to this “focus group” of sorts. So, I’ll be getting to learn about (and play with) the latest and greatest gizmos and materials being brewed up at 3M! Very cool stuff. Of course, I’ll be posting about my experience there. Stay tuned!