Category Archives: Guns & Knives

Why I Like Guns

Why do I like guns? They are simple mechanical devices and among the few durable items that can be as functional 100 years later as the day they were made. They are powerful.  It’s an explosion you can hold in your … Continue reading

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OnTarget Shot Group Calculator Software – a shooter’s review

I thought I’d do a quick review of a software program I’ve been using to analyze my precision rifle target groups.  It’s called “OnTarget.”  If you want to skip the “intro” or “review” of what shot group size means and … Continue reading

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Skinner Sights – A Shooting Gear Review

A few years ago, my wife got me a beautiful rifle for Christmas, a lever-action .22LR-caliber Browning BL-22 Grade II with Maple stocks.  I love it.  It’s the one “pretty” gun in my modest collection. Getting old sucks! The Browning … Continue reading

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Second Amendment Firearms Database – Software Review

A few years ago, I reviewed a program designed to help gun owners document and archive important information about their firearms, related accessories, and ammunition.  While I liked the old program I was using, the developer has apparently abandoned the … Continue reading

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Dry Fire Laser Training Systems Review

This Dry Fire Laser Training Systems Review is the longest article I’ve written so far.  But, it’s worth reading!  I cover most of the major products on the market… all purchased by me with my money.  Of course, there will … Continue reading

Posted in Guns & Knives, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 49 Comments

Git Ya Some Trainin’

My first shots ever were around age 12 at summer camp (with a .22 rifle).  In high school, I shot a few friends’ guns and bought my own shotgun (later lost in a house fire).  “Practice” was infrequent plinking on … Continue reading

Posted in Guns & Knives, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Have Gun. Will Travel.

Doc With a Glock My sister, the pediatrician, just asked me about traveling with her gun.  She has a license to carry concealed in her home state, and she’s traveling by air to another state that recognizes her license.  I’m … Continue reading

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“I wish I had a gun.” Not!

I just came across an article about auto theft with the victim being the wife of a Fox News commentator, Juan Williams. And another article. Williams is known for his beliefs that Americans should not be able to keep and … Continue reading

Posted in Guns & Knives, Personal Security & Safety | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

The Media & Gun Mythology

It seems today that the media gets things wrong more than they get them right.  This applies to nearly every type of story, too.  If they’re caught in their “mistakes,” they make a token apology and move on.  Accuracy and … Continue reading

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Radio Interview with Shirley Gutkowski, RDH

Recently, Dental Hygienist Extraordinaire Shirley Gutkowski asked me to be on her online podcast about hobbies.  You might guess what we talked about.  🙂 It was a lot of fun chatting with Shirley about gun ownership, recreational shooting, and gun … Continue reading

Posted in Dental Warrior Announcements, Guns & Knives | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments