Some Patients Just Make Your Day
The title will make more sense as you read on. A few weeks ago, we got a new patient by referral from a pediatric dentist (about 45 minutes away). The patient recently completed orthodontic treatment and desired some improvement in her upper anterior teeth. She is an 18 y.o. with Down’s Syndrome. Her 1st premolars are transposed into the lateral incisor positions in the upper arch. This made for a very challenging case. But, any improvement was welcome.
Her concern (and Mom’s) was the front four teeth. She wanted the “spaces” closed. I took a photo and drew directly on it with a white Sharpie Marker to rather crudely simulate what I thought I could accomplish. The rest of the story (and photos) after the jump.

I made an 8X10 print and used a white Sharpie Marker to simulate what I thought we could do. Mom took one look and approved.
We discussed direct bonding vs porcelain and agreed that bonding was the way to go. It was immediate, conservative (no prep), and repairable. We also discussed doing some laser gingival recontouring of the premolars in the lateral positions. As you can see, hygiene is an issue, as well.
Lisa is a joy to be around. She’s goofy and very affectionate. She calls me, “Prince.” If I decide to change my name to an unpronouncable “molar symbol”
, I’ll be the “Dentist formerly known as Prince.” She gives hugs to everyone on our team on the way in and on the way out every time she visits.

Before and after.
As a patient, she was great, albeit very fidgety. Her mouth is very small, and the Optragate (junior size) was a life-saver for me. This was not an easy case. It’s not what I’d call a “publishable result.” Given the circumstances, it’s acceptable improvement. Lisa and her mom were very happy with the final result, and we invited her back for a “glamor” photo shoot.
Today was the photo shoot, and Lisa came prepared. She LOVES the camera and performed like a real professional model, changing poses between every shot all on her own. I didn’t have to direct her at all. Her favorite thing is to make goofy faces and stick her tongue out, and I did not discourage her. This is her personality, and I wanted to capture that. Here’s a slideshow of her “glamor shoot.”
PS…. The patient’s family sent out a photo collage Christmas card and used one of our photos! <–Click link to see it!

What a nice service!
Good job Mike! …err, I mean Prince. 😉
(On a side note; it’s sad that a certain segment of our population has decided that down’s syndrome babies should be aborted)
That’s crazy, Ken. She brightens our day… the WHOLE day… just from her visits to the office.
I dare suggest that Down’s people are here, because we NEED them here.
What a great story! Thanks for sharing! She’s adorable!
Love the photo shoot. Looks like she had a blast, but I bet you had even more fun. Way to go!
It was a lot of fun! 🙂
Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing Lisa’s story!
What a great service to provide for this young lady. Kudos to you!! I have a 4 y/o son with Down Syndrome, he is the highlight of our lives.
Thanks, Chris. Lisa had a wonderful presence in our office. She is magnetic! When she walks in, everyone wants to be around her. Best wishes to you and your family.