I just got an email today from a firm that does SEO for dental websites.
Dear Dr. Mike,
Kindly take thirty seconds to pull up Google and search for a Dentist in (my town). Do you see how Dr. Mike XXXXX, Dr. Jamie XXXXX, Dr. Hugh XXXXXXX and others are capitalizing on your practice not being listed as one of the “Red Bubble” Google+ listings on the first page? My Company works with dentists to help build their online presence and get them first page listings on Google. We are affordable, we don’t bind you into a contract and we guarantee our results. If you are interested, send me an email back and I’ll send you the details.
Here’s the funny part. This must be an automatically-generated email, as it’s addressed to me. He points out three doctors as “capitalizing” on being listed (whereas I’m presumably not listed). So, yes… I DO see how those three doctors are capitalizing! I’M THE FIRST ONE! I’m Dr. Mike! I have the top position in the “Red Bubble” Google+ listing!

That’s me…. in the “A” position.
So, according to this master marketer, I’m being beaten in the search engines by a dentist with the exact same name! Darn!
I was tempted to reply to the email just to poke fun at him. So far, I’ve resisted.

Do it! But he’ll probably just delete it, he’ll sense that you’re too smart. I think it’s just a numbers game for the guys who market themselves that way.
What I really hate is when they send me their propaganda via my website appointment request. I get all excited about the new patient request just to open it and find it’s some darn SEO geek claiming he can get me on page one of Google. I will admit that a time or two I have replied with “yeah, real hard since I’m already there!” .. great blog post,Mike, once again.
I suppose he could delete an email I send him, Nomi. haha! That’ll show me! 😉
Yeah… I also hate when they use the appt request form. At least this guy didn’t do that.
I just thought it was funny that he was warning me that I was beating myself at the SEO game. 😀
Dr. Mike….resisting? Let loose!
YEah,,what a faker,even I knew you were ranked #1. ANd, I haven’t been involved for a few years now..What I do know is that you probably had your ranking since at least 98. You have been there a long , long, long, long ,long time mike. I would love to reply for you!!
Hi Jon! haha! Thanks! I built my website in 1999.
OK… I could not resist any longer and sent him this email:
OK… I can’t resist… Read your email to me (scroll down) VERY carefully and see why it makes you… a marketer… look rather silly. Let’s see if you catch it.
These requests are annoying. What really bugs me is when they follow up on an SEO proposal I have ignored in the first place. Just following up to check if you have received our email. If I ignore an unsolicited email…. I am doing exactly that.
Not sure in what universe these guys think they’ll get business this way.
Maybe for the next one (because there WILL be a next one), you have an automated, sleazy and salesy email sent out to marketers on how to do better marketing? 😉