12 responses

  1. Alan Mead
    August 24, 2011

    You’ve said succinctly what I’ve tried to explain many times. General “health care” has no price. Because there is no price, there’s no way to value the service. It’s like the “toxic assets” of a few years ago. No one knew what they were worth, so there was no price.

    Really nicely written and well said, Mike.


    • The Dental Warrior
      August 24, 2011

      Thanks, Alan! Totally agree. See my reply to Warren below.


  2. Warren Bobinski
    August 24, 2011

    Very interesting! Of course coming from Canada, we never see a ‘statement’ of fees so many of us have no clue what procedures really cost.
    An interesting Wikipedia article I read today when I googled ‘comparasin of Canadian and US healthcare; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_health_care_systems_in_Canada_and_the_United_States
    This shows that Canadian healthcare on average is significantly lower than US per capita. The system is similar to the ‘benefit’ plans with about 70% of the plan being funded by governments and 30% by private – but the majority of work being provided by private business owners.
    The unfortunate part of the system is the time it can often take to get treatment – in my case I had to wait 9 months for a hernia surgery. It wasn’t so painful that I couldn’t function, so the wait wasn’t really that bad. Our system is like triage – the most critically ill get serviced first. Seems to work for the most part, but it could definitely be better.
    Thanks for sharing, made me think a little this morning – and I haven’t even had my coffee yet!



    • The Dental Warrior
      August 24, 2011

      Thanks for the comments, Warren. No system is perfect. But, I’d take this any day over the Canadian system. We Americans wait for NOTHING! 🙂 We want it our way, right now. Waiting 9 months for a hernia surgery is crazy to me. And, the notion of PRE-PAYING (via taxes) for a service that is rationed and withheld from me for 9 months in unconscionable.

      My main beef is that the fees be HONEST. They are what they are. But, just tell it to me straight without a 90% variation. It undermines the credibility of the fee when it varies so widely.

      Oddly enough, your post illustrates that the two systems suffer from a problem in common: The consumer is largely left out of the equation. And, that’s how costs have escalated at an exponential rate. The normal free market forces are not there when the consumer doesn’t know (or care) about the price.


  3. Alan Mead
    August 24, 2011

    “The consumer is largely left out of the equation. ”

    Boom. End of story. 100% agree.

    Obviously it’s because consumers are too dumb to make good medical decisions.


    • The Dental Warrior
      August 24, 2011


      I don’t think it’s because they are actually “too dumb.” It’s that they PREFER to not have to think… not even with basic math. For example: When I tell folks I have a $5,000 deductible, they look at me like I’m NUTS. Then they proudly tell me they have a $10 co-pay no matter what they have done. “I’d never want to pay $5,000!” Oh really? Let’s do some basic math, OK. Not algebra. Not quantum physics. Just good ol’ basic math. Feel free to use a calculator if you must. (I’m using estimated numbers here.) You pay $1000 a month for your family medical plan. I pay $200 a month. You have a $10 co-pay. I have a $5,000 deductible. Your total annual premium is $12,000. Mine is $2,400.

      I have a fluke situation and end up in the hospital for three days. I have to pay $5,000. You smirk, “See? That cost you $5,000. It would have cost me next to nothin’.” Get out your calculator, Einstein! You paid $12,000 UP FRONT in premiums. My TOTAL expenses for both premiums and medical bills was $7,000. So, you have already spent $5,000 MORE than me. In just ONE year, I’ve saved enough in premiums to cover my deductible for that fluke medical emergency. If you factor in all the other years during which I did NOT use any major medical services, I have saved many thousands of dollars. But, go ahead and enjoy your $10 co-pays.

      But, wait… what about regular doctor visits and annual physicals? OK… I am a member of MDVIP. You think I’m crazy for a $5,000 deductible? Check this out: It costs me an additional $1500 per year for this “concierge” doctor service (and worth every penny!). Then let’s add in another $500 for oddball visits like having the flu. So, now my total expenses are $9,000. I’m STILL under your total premium expenses. In essence, you are paying IN ADVANCE for services that you often don’t use! And, you’re paying MORE than me. A lot more.

      But, people don’t like to do simple math. Heck, that’s why car leases are popular. People don’t look at the TOTAL cost. They just want to know what the monthly payment is. Likewise, they just see the $10 co-pay and ignore the big picture.


  4. Alan Mead
    August 24, 2011

    Sorry, Mike. I didn’t convey my real meaning. I was being sarcastic about consumers being too dumb. I believe that all consumers could make better choices if they had choices and skin in the game. But I’m discouraged that it will ever happen.


    • The Dental Warrior
      August 24, 2011

      Oh, I knew that, Alan. I wasn’t disagreeing with you, specifically. I was speaking more in generalities and disagreeing, so to speak, with the powers that be, who DO seem to think we’re all too dumb to make our own life decisions..


  5. Steve m
    August 24, 2011

    The whole system gotfuc??dup when the MDs got into bed with the ins co’s in the 80’s. Can u imagine the jns cos not complaining about this bs, but god forbid u extend charity to an indigent denral px, and waive the copay. The shit could hit the fan. Serious double standard at play here.


  6. Mark Frias
    August 28, 2011

    I agree with what’s already been said. The financial disconnect between healthcare providers and consumers are driving up costs. There are costs in every system -high taxes, rationing, waiting times, etc. Nothing is “free”, including the Canadian system. Some say healthcare shouldn’t be left to the free market. I would agree that it shouldn’t be 100% free market, but I’m thinking more like 80%. It seems like now it’s about 20% free market and we are paying heavily for that mistake.


  7. Noel
    August 31, 2011

    Some insurance companies now sell an plan with ZERO benefit (they pay nothing, ever). However, you DO get the contracted adjustemts (ie. the 92% savings). You get a card, that’s all, but its cheap and all profit for the provider.

    I just had uninsured friend visit the ER with an ankle sprain. 2 hours later he had a bill for $10,000. When he mentioned he was self-pay, they immediately reduced it 50% (still crazy, but better). I wonder who actually pays the “list price”. Unless you are really poor or have insurance stay the hell away from the ER.

    Please share your experience with the fees you rec’d from the doctors. Thx


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