Making News Leads to More!


If Ted Nugent is billed as a “Music Legend,” shouldn’t I have been billed as a “Dental Legend?” 😉

After the broadcast of my appearance in the CNBC documentary, it didn’t take long to start hearing from others who wanted to speak with me.  When I arrived at the office, there was a voice mail from a regional NRA representative asking me if I could attend a banquet in June.  And, I also ended up being interviewed by Cam Edwards from the NRA News’ “Cam & Company.”   Here’s a copy of today’s interview:

Funny thing… I “joked” that I should appear at the next NRA meeting in the “Uncle Ted (Nugent) & Cousin Mike” show.  I didn’t even know that my interview was preceded by Ted Nugent!  Ha!

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3 Responses to Making News Leads to More!

  1. Mike,

    Thank you for putting yourself out there. You are the perfect advocate for gun ownership.

  2. David says:

    Class act…great job being in the limelight. Maybe this is the start of you being on a bigger stage!

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