I’ve battled it out on that “debate” many times with the Mac fanbois. But, never mind what I think. Instead, check out what Dr. Larry Emmott’s son (?), Andrew Emmott, has to say about it on the Emmott on Technology Blog:
Anti-Buzz: Mac vs. Windows (Again)

I’ve been a PC guy myself and my operatories are full of PC’s. I did mess around with my son’s Macbook Pro once and noticed that it was considerably heavier than my PC equivalent laptop and would probably win the “run over by a truck” test!
I use a Mac at home for web surfing, shopping and blogging. It’s simple and it works without the usual PC hiccups.
For the office I have a PC network.
My question is… if you get a Mac for your office what dental program are you going to use… MacPractice? I’ve seen it in action and am not impressed. And the price is up there too. A friend was using an outdated version of MacPractice and got virtually no data transferred to his new MacPractice system in the change-over. I went from an ancient SoftDent system to EagleSoft and ALL of my data was transferred to my new set up. Plus EagleSoft was pretty much free.