If Ted Nugent is billed as a “Music Legend,” shouldn’t I have been billed as a “Dental Legend?” 😉
After the broadcast of my appearance in the CNBC documentary, it didn’t take long to start hearing from others who wanted to speak with me. When I arrived at the office, there was a voice mail from a regional NRA representative asking me if I could attend a banquet in June. And, I also ended up being interviewed by Cam Edwards from the NRA News’ “Cam & Company.” Here’s a copy of today’s interview:
Funny thing… I “joked” that I should appear at the next NRA meeting in the “Uncle Ted (Nugent) & Cousin Mike” show. I didn’t even know that my interview was preceded by Ted Nugent! Ha!

Thank you for putting yourself out there. You are the perfect advocate for gun ownership.
Agree Frank!!!
Class act…great job being in the limelight. Maybe this is the start of you being on a bigger stage!