I’ve had my Fuji S2 Pro (a Nikon “Franken-camera”) since the early days of digital photography. Maybe 10 years ago. A year or so ago, I bought a Canon Rebel XSi as a back-up clinical camera.
Today, I heard a “POP!” And, then I smelled the pungent odor of fried electronics. It still lingers hours later. It really did stink! Maybe the Fuji S2 had enough of the camera-jealousy? Here’s what I discovered:

Oh! The humanity!!!
No foul play is suspected, and it appears to be self-inflicted. The Canon had a good alibi and was in another operatory at the time.
I’ve got a nice collection of Nikon lenses for this camera. It’s the camera I used for my “cosmetic dental / fashion” photography. So, now I have to decide whether to commit to Canon or resurrect my Nikon lenses with a new Nikon body. Will discuss with my friend, Andy Thompson at www.NormanCamera.com.
Update October 26, 2014:
The dentist next door retired and GAVE me his Fuji S2 Pro! And, that’s cool, because I prefer this camera, especially for portraits!

Andy will tell you what he told me. I had a LOT of Nikkor lenses from my 35mm days….but he told me for intra-oral photography…..the Canon is better. Why? Through the lens metering for the flash. Nikon doesn’t have it…..Canon does. I bought a Canon 20D a few years ago and it’s still going strong. The darn ring flash is almost $500 by itself….never mind the 100mm lens you have to buy.
Hi Dan,
Actually, between my Fuji (Nikon) S2 and the Canon Rebel XSi, there is no contest. The Fuji created MUCH, MUCH better images. Night and day difference in the sharpness and color rendition. The S2 won that contest hands-down. So, I’m a bit conflicted on what I’ll do.
Oh… and you CAN do TTL metering with a Sigma flash. But, word on the street is they fall apart after a while… literally fall apart. It sucks and is weird that Nikon camera bodies are not TTL compatible with Nikon’s own ring flash. WTF is up with that??
Wow – 10 years? That’s impressive! I’ve always heard good things about the Fuji, though, so not really surprising, but too bad you finally have to say good-bye.
I was going to ask if you have 2 pictures, 1 by each camera, of the same subject so we could see a comparison, but that seems unlikely at this point. At least you have a backup!
If you got the XSi, why not just stick with that as your backup, but if you have a good set of Nikon lenses that will work with the newer bodies…..go for it! Selling them and getting all comparable Canon won’t be cheap, which would probably go against your Warrior motto, especially since it wouldn’t be necessary.
Hi Chip!
I may use your guidance on this. The only weird thing is that Nikon’s SLR bodies are NOT TTL-compatible with the SB-29s macro ring flash. Oddly only the Fuji SLRs were TTL-compatible. To TTL meter with a flash on a Nikon, I’d have to buy the twin point flash by Nikon. Expensive. More difficult. And, not so great for posterior quadrant shots (which is about 80%) of what I do.
The only other alternative is to use the Sigma ring flash which WILL TTL-meter with the Nikon bodies. Go figure, eh? Nikon’s bodies will not TTL with their own ring flash. BUMMER!
And, I just checked, but apparently Fuji is out of the SLR business. Their flagship model now is a ZLR. Double bummer.
I would consider the cost of the lens you would have to buy to replace what you have. The TTL is a minor factor. I hate TTL. I always use manual setting on the flash.. That way I can control the exposure with each shot especially if you are doing something related to shade . I also never shot with Auto White Balance.
I like the Canon because I think they are more user friendly, but if you used a Fuji for that long, you could go either way. You can find disciples for both camps, Canon and Nikon. Go with what is cheapest and easiest to use. The image quality is great with both.
Hi Phil!
Thanks for your comments. I’ve been a Nikon man for many, many years going back to my N8008 that I took to the Persian Gulf. So, I’m familiar with Nikon. I recently got the Canon XSi because it’s lightweight and easy to use one-handed and usable by my staff members. And, I got it as a “back up.” Good thing I did!
Don’t know what I’ll do, yet. I’ve got some time to ponder it. But, I sure did like my S2. It was a great camera. It was weird. I turned it on with new batteries, and “POP!” And, then a nasty burnt smell. And, then nothing. It is D-E-A-D.
Hi Mike,
I have a Nikkon Macro AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm lens (D90 body)
Do you know the best ring flash to use with this set up?
Hi Sanjay,
Apparently the only ring flash that will allow TTL-metering with the Nikon bodies is the one by Sigma. Otherwise, for Nikon flashes, you’re stuck with the expensive (and tricky to use) twin-point flash.
If you like the S2 so much – it would seem like a no brainer to just buy a used one on ebay and go on like nothing ever happened using your preferred accessories. JMHO
Hi Noel,
That thought has crossed my mind. But, I haven’t decided, yet. Fortunately, I’m not really in a pinch (since I have the other camera). I can still take my usual routine photos.
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april 29-2012 I have two fuji s2 pro cameras and was just wondering what specific
type of batteries you put in your Fuji S2 Pro camera when it got fried??
-double aa lithium,ni-cad ,alkaline or nickel metal hydrate?? The instruction\
states not to use lithium double aa……………Louis Ottawa Canada 2012-04-29
Hi Louis,
It was a year ago, so I can’t be 100% sure, but I’m fairly sure it was standard alkaline AA batteries (that’s what I usually used).
I have used S2 since they came out. You can buy on ebay for $150 – $200. If you want to sell any Nikkor Lens I might be interested.
The dentist next door retired and GAVE me his Fuji S2 Pro! And, that’s cool, because I prefer this camera, especially for portraits!