20 responses

  1. David Madow
    June 12, 2021

    Fantastic article. Everyone needs to read this. And yes, fuck political correctness!!


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 12, 2021

      Thanks, David! Nice to see you ’round these parts!


  2. Brian K. Van Netta, DDS
    June 13, 2021

    Hi Mike. What you lay out is great basic advice. I try to teach my 18 year old daughter much of the same, especially the being OBSERVANT part. So many people today are walking around distracted by their phones and in a world of their own. That makes them easy pickings for the perps. I like to use your phrase “check your six”.

    Today with the crappy socio-economic conditions created by the past year, routine petty theft is up. But most importantly, the undercurrent of mental illness ticking along just below the surface, and usually unnoticed, has bubbled up, leading to these horrific crimes as noted in your account. Keeping your wits about you and self-protection are paramount. It never turns out well if we let the inmates run the asylum.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 13, 2021

      Thanks for your comments, Brian. Spot on, of course. Something I’ve been repeating over and over the past year is, “What did you THINK was going to happen??? (you stupid, STUPID fucks!)”

      What did you think was going to happen when you shut everything down? What did you think was going to happen when businesses were closed and people lost their jobs? When they lost their homes? When they lost their relationships?

      And, by “you,” I don’t mean the government / politicians or the media. I mean YOU (us), THE FUCKING PEOPLE. Because NONE of this could have happened without the CONSENT of the PEOPLE. The government does NOT have the power to shut us down. They only have that “power” with OUR CONSENT. If we, the People, said, “Fuck no. We’re not doing that,” there’s literally NOTHING the gov’t could have done about it. The people folded like cheap tents.


      • Brian K. Van Netta, DDS
        June 13, 2021

        So true, Mike. It will take a bit to recover from this mess, but it truly was a good lesson on what government/media/politicians are capable of and what the real agendas may be. The radical left has over-played their hand, much like impulsive betting of a novice poker player. They immediately exclaim “all in!” as soon as they see two aces in the hole, then are perplexed when everyone folds, giving them the meager pot. Things are already starting to snap back the other way. We just have to be careful to stay vigilant going forward, and call out the bullshit as soon as it happens.


      • The Dental Warrior
        June 13, 2021

        Sadly, I do not thing the general population has learned its lesson (allowing the tyrants in gov’t to run them over).

        I DID call out the bullshit, as soon as it happened. I wasn’t the only one, but one of the few. And, we were ostracized as heretics by the larger population. I lost friends and family relationships over it.


  3. Rick Lindquist
    June 13, 2021

    Good stuff Mike, as always.
    Your best advice of the article. GET TRAINING!! The really easy part (even now) is buying the weapon. If the price of the weapon is 500, budget double or more for ammunition and training. Know and abide by the law. Choosing to carry a firearm is not to be taken lightly. Skills and knowledge are a 100% requirement.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 13, 2021

      So long as we’re not actually REQUIRING training by law. To that, I am opposed, as it would be unconstitutional.

      But, yes… it is the prudent thing to do for a number of good reasons.

      Unfortunately, the current ammo situation makes training and practice nearly prohibitive.


      • Rick Lindquist
        June 13, 2021

        Agree with that. Constitutional carry! Requirements are part of the gun grabbers tool box.
        My job is to protect and provide for my loved ones. Physically protect of course. We must know when we can employ deadly force. We must be both capable and accurate with the weapon. It’s critical to know the law, that law varies by state and locale. If the worst ever happens, we must survive financially too, it’s part of the job. You are ahead of me with the excellent reading list, carry on skipper!


      • The Dental Warrior
        June 13, 2021

        I think we’re up to 20 states with Constitutional Carry as of this month.

        Yes… If you’re going to be completely accountable for the safety of yourself and family, you better know the laws COLD. There are plenty of resources for that. And, it ain’t rocket science. But, ya gotta know it!

        And, that does NOT mean asking your friend, the cop, for legal advice as it pertains to concealed carry and the use of lethal force. I’ll say it again… do NOT ask a cop. With no disrespect intended (and I have a LOT of respect for LEOs)… but, they simply are NOT the resource for legal advice. Ever. Period.

        In my many interactions with LEOs (I used to shoot at their range for years), they are NOT well-versed on the laws pertaining to concealed carry or the use of lethal force by citizens (ironically). Some are. Many are not.

        And, countless times I’ve heard someone say, “My friend / relative / neighbor, the cop, said ___________.” And, it’s cringe-worthy wrong. The craziest / worst bit of “conventional wisdom” is, “If you shoot someone outside your house, drag the body inside.” Another is “shoot to kill.” People actually say and believe this shit. It’s a SURE way to go to jail for the rest of your life.

        Your best resource is something like attorney Andrew Branca’s book (at the end of the article). You can also visit his website for more info: https://lawofselfdefense.com/


  4. Alexander Leyte-Vidal
    June 13, 2021

    I agree with you 100 percent. I have been CC’ing for 30 years and have had lots of training as well. As early as college and later as a ARMY officer and beyond, numerous NRA training and even competition with three gun. My son started carrying when they turned 21. My daughter is married to a cop. Very early in their life one of the things I tried to inculcate as a father was Situational Awareness. It is in my opinion one of the most important things you can teach your kids. “ Know when to bug out”.
    Another good book is Sheep No More by Jonathan T Gilliam.
    Keep up the good work.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 13, 2021

      Thanks! I’ll look up that book.

      Edit: Done! Bought the book for my kindle reader!


  5. Ed Reifman, DDS
    June 13, 2021

    Fantastic article, Mike. Its very sobering to realize that these horrid things could be happening to us, or near us, at any time. I believe most of us need a LOT more situational awareness. Its also sad that wherever you go somewhere, seems like 95% of those walking about are totally immersed in their cell phone, oblivious to whatever is happening within meters of them.
    As suggested, I’ll get that first book entitled The Gift of Fear. Keep those wonderful articles coming, Mike!


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 13, 2021

      As a scientist, I think you’ll really appreciate “The Gift of Fear.” The author studied thousands of violent crime encounters and compiled the results and conclusions in an objective and very informative way.


  6. Robert Farago
    June 14, 2021

    An important suggestion…

    Have a “leave” word for you and your loved ones. A word anyone in your pack can use that says “We’re leaving NOW.” No discussion. No questions. No hesitation.

    A word you’re not like to use in normal conversation, obviously.

    One more thing: attach a house key to a light stick and keep it near a window. You don’t want the cops breaking in and you don’t want to clear your own house.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 14, 2021

      I like the “leave word” idea.

      I’m not sure I understand the last suggestion, though. When or why would you leave a house key in plain sight with a light stick attached? Near a window, meaning what? I’m not following this one. In which circumstances?


  7. Adrian Bagayas
    June 15, 2021

    Great article with simple and straightforward advice.


    • The Dental Warrior
      June 15, 2021

      Thanks, Adrian. I tried to cover what I think is important and easy-to-follow advice without making it too long.


  8. Sheryll
    October 24, 2022

    More than a decade ago, a teacher was sitting on a bench outside a noodle shop at a mall, enjoying her lunch. A psycho walked into the drugstore next to the eatery and bought an ordinary kitchen knife. He exited and stabbed the teacher as she was eating. He didn’t know here. He just wanted to kill someone. It was a random murder. She had two little girls and her husband was in shock and heartbroken that his wife died just because some lunatic had the uncontrollable urge to stab someone, anyone to death. Her husband asked me to write the speech for her funeral services. You’re so right, Mike — there is evil in this world.


    • The Dental Warrior
      October 25, 2022

      Horrible. But, yes… There exists TRUE EVIL in some people. There’s no cure. There’s no preventing it. They are wired that way.

      Sadly, you have to keep your head on a swivel and trust NOBODY. And be prepared to defend yourself. Nobody else will do it for you.


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