5 responses

  1. Warren Bobinski
    March 8, 2011

    Oh yes it works!!! I really like the “Insights” page that shows you how many people actually viewed the ad, clicked on the ad, etc.

    The way any little old business can now direct market to specific people is amazing! This is almost custom made for dentists….you CAN direct market to the snoring husband with a wife that wants to whiten her teeth and has kids that need braces…

    Absolutely worthwhile – and even better….its’ only just starting to get popular. Its’ not too late!

    Thanks for sharing Mike – Facebook owes you one!



    • The Dental Warrior
      March 8, 2011

      Thanks, Warren! What’s great about online marketing is that it’s relatively cheap. You aren’t committed to a long-term contract like is typical with traditional advertising. With the Yellow Pages, it’s a YEAR! And, unlike most traditional advertising (TV, radio, and print), you can change up your online ads “on the fly.” You’re not committed to any particular ad. So, tweaking is easy and instantaneous! Online ads are almost infinitely targetable (if that’s a word!). Finally… online ads are VERY trackable, if that’s a word. My spell check says no! 🙂 You can monitor traffic, clicks, and referrals so easily!


  2. Ed Reifman, DDS
    March 10, 2011

    Hi Mike:
    As always, your blogs are a great, and very helpful read. It gets us 2th docs thinking in new marketing directions! Just curious about something, though, you mentioned an ROI of around 6:1 on your new SMS facebook ad. Does that mean if you pay, say $1000 for the ppc’s, you’re getting $6000 back in revenues, OR 6 SMS patients? A big diff. between the two.


    • The Dental Warrior
      March 10, 2011

      Hi Ed! Thanks!

      6:1…. as in $6 made for every $1 spent.


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